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Who has time to read the the countless product fliers, brochures, or watches vendor webinars.  But I do make time to read the Cherub cyber-blogs.  They are following (and most of the time are ahead of) the industry trends in cybersecurity and data protection while boiling it all down to easy reading.

Cindy Kelly

Security Manager, University of Georgia

Do SMB / SME Businesses Need a SIEM Solution Too?

Do SMB / SME Businesses Need a SIEM Solution Too?

Why Should Your Small Business Have SIEM? We’ve written time and time again on the consequences of the world’s largest and most devastating breaches. Every breach of an international or even national corporation translates to millions of dollars lost to fines, legal...

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Avoid what is Strong and Strike at what is Weak

Avoid what is Strong and Strike at what is Weak

Despite Firms' Best Efforts, Security Vulnerabilities Are Increasing From the infamous Sony hack and other high-profile data breaches to Heartbleed, Shellshock and the new wave of mass mobile threats, 2014 was an historic (if woeful) year for cybersecurity. As a...

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Coronavirus: Cybersecurity doesn’t get a pass

Coronavirus: Cybersecurity doesn’t get a pass

Experts are warning of a new wave of cyberattacks targeting Americans who are forced to work from home during the coronavirus outbreak. There is increasing evidence that hackers are using the concerns over the virus to prey on individuals and that working outside...

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Why Higher Education is a Cyber-attackers Favorite Target

Why Higher Education is a Cyber-attackers Favorite Target

Cyberattacks continue to rise. In the first quarter alone, we saw a 25% increase in the number of monthly cyber attacks. And attacks on higher education institutions are rising, too. Perhaps most disturbing is the increase in ransomware attacks along with a doubling...

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