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Computer Security Threats – Making Ransomware Real

You’ve already told your employees what ransomware has done to other companies—even to hospitals and police departments, where lives are at stake. But you still see them falling victim to ransomware attacks. Why? Maybe, despite all the awareness training you’ve done, they don’t take these computer security threats personally.

Maybe they haven’t imagined what it’ll feel like to be the person who shut down the company. Or the one who destroyed all of their family’s financial records and family photos. Or the one who has to figure out how to buy bitcoin and send it to criminals.

We can make them take it personally—in as little as two minutes. Our awareness training videos move ransomware out of the category of abstract computer threats, once and for all.

Awareness training to counter ransomware and other computer threats

We make ransomware and related computer threats real at a gut level. Because when you know what it’s like to be “that guy,” what it’s like to face the people you compromised, you’ll think before you click. And when it comes to computer security threats, a little pre-click thinking goes a long way.

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You need more than cyber security videos to combat cyber threat

Sure, our modules include unforgettable cyber security videos. But we take a more holistic approach to raising cyber awareness, especially in our phishing awareness training module. We incorporate real-time feedback for both employees and security leadership. We integrate phishing tests alongside phishing training modules. And all of it is dead simple to manage, administered through a single screen.

If you’re searching for a better way to harden your workforce against phishing, you’ve just found it.

Cyber Security Training Topics Made Fun. Delivered Fast. Proven Effective.

Working with top CISOs and using insight from the Mimecast grid, we focus on the most relevant security awareness training topics for cyber risk management today. Our modules use fun to evade employees’ psychological defenses against security awareness training and we go beyond facts, showing people why they need to care.

From password protection and phishing to unattended laptops and CEO fraud, the threats are many and they are real. There are plenty of bad actors ready to take advantage of your employees’ mistakes. And even when mistakes are not being engineered and leveraged by malicious outsiders, poor cyber habits can lead to difficult and costly situations for you and your team. Mimecast Awareness Training helps you mitigate cyber risk stemming from the simple mistakes your employees are making every day.

Mimecast Awareness Training has built a large and growing library of training modules focused on your top human-error related security risks, covering issues from social engineering to GDPR. Click here to see the breadth of Mimecast’s Awareness Training topics.